Utilize the Power of Data

To Increase Production Performance

TriVision solutions take manufacturing to the next level by generating, crunching, and utilizing data intelligently, providing valuable production intelligence to optimize production performance substantially.

When producing large quantities, the smallest adjustments can result in substantial annual savings. By generating, crunching, and visualizing complete production data, TriVision data analytics provides a powerful tool for manufacturers to discover opportunities in their production to optimize – to achieve substantial annual savings.

TriVision’s cloud-based data analytics platform helps manufacturers to know the performance of their operations better by highlighting essential information from the production data. From all inspections done, at all production lines, in every production facility.

TriVision's data analytics platform acts as a true command center for production optimization by facilitating efficient root cause analysis, comparison of performance across shifts, lines, and facilities, and optimization across other process parameters.


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To Discover the Route to an Increased Performance

An intuitive overview of production data can help manufacturers understand why errors and faulty products occur, acting as a powerful tool when searching for root causes.

TriVision solutions provide an efficient production data overview – from real-time performance in the individual production line to complete statistics of operations from all lines and facilities worldwide.

The inline real-time data production overview facilitates efficient error tracing, enabling operators and maintenance teams to take action to reduce the produced number of faulty products, which maximizes output and reduces waste and costs.

With complete production data statistics, TriVision's data analytics platform provides a solid overview that emphasizes deviations in production performance - and acts as a powerful tool that can help identify the root causes of the deviations.


Track Adjustments

To Reach the Highest Potential

While making adjustments to improve product quality, the outcome of adjusting process parameters can be monitored and evaluated with TriVision’s data analytics.

Whether changing raw materials, production equipment settings, or other production processes, production managers can work with a true optimization mindset by being able to measure and evaluate the outcome of adjustment initiatives efficiently.


Use Intelligent Data Crunching

To Predict Your Next Maintenance

TriVision solutions help convert reactive maintenance into predictive maintenance – to eliminate expensive unplanned stops and maintenance within production hours.

Quality data is evaluated over time, and TriVision’s advanced algorithms crunch the data to evaluate if the quality level changes over time, also when at acceptable levels, and to predict and indicate when specific production equipment should be maintained. This allows management to plan maintenance outside production hours and perform maintenance before issues causing faulty products occur - and reduce waste and downtime.



To Optimize the Overall Performance

With intelligence on how different shifts, production lines, and production facilities perform, management can evaluate if shifts and site management are aligned when it comes to operating procedures. Operators may handle operations and specific issues differently.

Besides allowing management to compare the actual performance across shifts, production lines, and facilities, TriVision Production Intelligence lists a complete event log for each vision system showing all incidents, warnings, and alarms on the production line - and how each operator handled the incidents.

The efficient comparison of production performances and operator activity provides management with a great tool for optimizing operation procedures across shifts, production lines, and facilities and perfecting the routines of working crews to minimize errors, waste, and downtime.


Access Real-time Production Data

From Anywhere, at Anytime

The elaborate production statistics in TriVision's Production Intelligence are provided based on the inspections performed by TriVision systems. The data is made available in a cloud-based data analytics platform.

Our software breaks down the numbers to bring an excellent overview of the production performance, indicate trends, and generate tangible recommendations for users.

Features ensure that key stakeholders stay updated on the production performance by automatically sending frequent reports containing a summary of the production statistics.

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