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Remember to use your vote in the coming EU election in June

We want the same as most people around the globe. We prefer high quality food produced in a sustainable manner. We want a minimum amount of waste during production, and we demand all the necessary information on clearly visible labels where origin and ingredients are stated for us consumers so that we can make conscious food choices.

EU and the Farm to fork-strategy

Luckily ensuring food quality and reducing food waste from production all the way to consumer homes is among several important areas that have been addressed in the European Union.
This initiative is part of the Green deal, where all food related strategies are summarized in the ”Farm to fork-strategy” that aims to work for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. Much has been done over the years, but a lot of important work remains to be decided and implemented.

We can all take action to ensure progress in this field by using our vote in the upcoming EU election in June.

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