Utilize the Power of Data

Discover the Route to an Increased Production Performance

In high-volume production, even minor adjustments can lead to significant annual savings. TriVision solutions take manufacturing to the next level by generating, crunching, and utilizing data intelligently, providing valuable cloud-based production intelligence to optimize production performance.

TriVision’s Production Intelligence platform enables manufacturers to gain deeper insights into their operations by highlighting key information from production data, drawn from inspections across all production lines and facilities.

The platform enables efficient root cause analysis, performance comparison across shifts, lines, and facilities, and optimization of various process parameters.

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Valuable Tool for
Root Cause Analyses

A clear overview of production data helps manufacturers understand the causes of errors and faulty products, serving as a valuable tool for root cause analyses.

TriVision solutions offer an intuitive overview of production data, ranging from real-time performance at individual production lines to comprehensive statistics from all lines and facilities worldwide.

The overview enables early error detection, allowing operators and maintenance teams to take action to reduce faulty products, maximize output, and minimize waste and costs.


Track Adjustments

Maximize Efficiency and
Reach the Highest Potential

While making adjustments to improve product quality, the outcome of adjusting process parameters can be monitored and evaluated with TriVision’s data analytics.

Whether changing raw materials, production equipment settings, or other processes, production managers can work with a true optimization mindset by efficiently measuring and assessing the impact of these changes.


Utilize Intelligent Data Crunching

Transform Reactive Maintenance into Preventive Maintenance

TriVision solutions transform reactive maintenance into preventive maintenance, to avoid expensive unplanned stops and maintenance within production hours.

Data is evaluated over time, and TriVision's advanced algorithms analyze this data to determine any changes in quality levels, even when they remain within acceptable limits.

Management can schedule maintenance outside production hours, address potential issues before they result in faulty products, and reduce both waste and downtime.



Optimize Production Performance

TriVision's Production Intelligence allows management to:

  • Compare performance across shifts, lines, and facilities to ensure alignment in operating procedures
  • Review complete event logs for each vision system, including incidents, warnings, and alarms.
  • Efficiently compare production performance to optimize procedures and minimize errors, waste, and downtime across shifts, lines, and facilities

Access Real-time Production Data

Access Production Data From Anywhere, at Any Time

TriVision's Production Intelligence provides detailed production statistics based on inspections carried out by TriVision systems. The data is accessible through a cloud-based analytics platform.

Our software analyzes the data and offers a clear overview of production performance, identifies trends, and delivers tangible recommendations for users.

Features ensure that key stakeholders stay updated on the production performance by periodically sending reports containing a summary of the production statistics.

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